Frequently asked questions.

Why hire a videographer?

If you’re here then you’ve already felt the impact of a wedding film. When you first get your wedding film you’ll likely think “WOW” and “OMG”, that’s great and I hope you have these reactions. However it’s maybe 5 or 10 or 15 years down the road that these “WOWWOWs” and “OMGs” will turn into “aww…” and “oh my goodness…” these are the emotions I hope rise out after the passage of time. It’s nostalgia we’re after here, and next to a photo album, videos are the master creations for brewing nostalgia.

Why is videography so expensive?

Simply put, PROCESSING TIME. Making a video isn’t simple and handling hours of video and audio from a single day can be super daunting. Let me break down a little of what happens after the wedding day. We get back to our office with sometimes up to 500 gigabytes of footage and audio. We triplicate all the raw media. Two copies for us and one copy for you. That alone can take a few hours. Once the media is safely backed up we transform the files from their raw components into more manageable sizes that benefit the editor’s speed and creativity while working. After that we watch everything that was filmed. Then we pick apart the best audio bites that will help us tell the story. We pick the music if the couple doesn’t specify, which we really try to find the vibe of each couple. After we set up our sound design with the music and the soundbites, we find the best shots from the day to help us build your day’s story. The editing is done! Woohoo! Or is it? Then we have our first cut done, that needs to be color corrected, then graded. The audio needs to be treated so that it sounds awesome. And then we’re done right? Not always, if we have big effects, we usually wait until the end to build it, so that we don’t slowdown our computers with crazy effects. Now we’re done? Yes we are! However that process takes a lot of work and most of all it takes time. That’s why videography is expensive, but like I said earlier. It’s worth it.

What does “Full Coverage” really mean? This goes for both Video and Photo.

No I won’t be there to help apply toothpaste onto your toothbrush at 7am, nor will I be there to help change you into your jammies after you’re out cold for the night, that’s what family is for….

HOWEVER! I do try my best to make my days mission to capture your memories. So that means I try to get to you around the same time your hair and makeup stylists. This is a great period in the day where the people who are closest to the couple are just comfy, cozy, and chilling. It makes for great video, plus we get to see the couple before their big transformation! Your hair and makeup team are unsung heroes who make everyone look awesome, it’s great to capture them at work!

After the prep we make our way to the ceremony location. Have that be a park, a venue, a church, the desert, you name it. We set up multiple cameras to capture all the good stuff. At a minimum we’re rolling with 2 cameras for all the formalities. Then they’re married! WooHoo!!

We make our way to the reception location. That could be a venue, your rich uncle’s house, the desert(people love the desert in Vegas), Once we arrive, we find a corner to stash our equipment and start our preparations for the formalities of the night. We light our dance floor in anticipation of any dances, toasts, or other ceremonious acts. I touch base with all the key tech people you hired. Your DJ/MC helps me capture perfect audio from anyone who talks into a microphone that night. Your photographer helps me coordinate how we’re capturing images together that night. Your tech people usually get along well because our jobs are hard when we work against each other and lifetimes easier when we work together.

Cool! Now we’ve got all our ducks in a row and ready to have fun and capture whats coming up! Every family is different so this can be really fun for us to share with you. We stay past all the formalities and usually stay right before everyone gets sloshed. However there’s always the slosher who started much earlier than everyone else. It can’t be helped.

Turnaround Time and Deliverables?

We’re looking to make something truly handcrafted and tailored for each couple. That can take lots of time and during peak wedding season this can process becomes congested. I feel safe telling couples that at an absolute maximum their final videos will be delivered 4 months after their wedding. I really try my best to make it 8 weeks, but sometimes I can’t do that and I hope most of my couples will understand the process.

When it comes time to deliver your final videos, they will be received via online download. Where you’ll be able to save and share with anyone you want to. The raw footage is usually mailed out to you a few weeks after the wedding.

For photography I tell couples that they will get their images in three to six weeks via digital delivery. Prints and books are subject to longer wait times due to the complexity of designing and ordering a book and prints.